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Teaser trailer realeased 3/14/2013

Waking up on her golden birthday, Haley Spaghetti felt something different inside of her; for some reason, she felt more…awesomer! Her dad had often alluded to the special abilities she would gain on this most momentous of occasions.  But she was getting older now and part of her didn't believe any of that was really true; she thought the stories to be the stuff of bedtime lore and nothing more. But deep down, there was still part of her that had always hoped the stories were real.


And today...she found that it WAS real...ALL of it!


Join up with 10 year old Haley Spaghetti on her ridiculously amazing adventure through the worlds of Penchovia to find her missing father. Walk Haley’s path with her as she unlocks the mysteries behind the championship belt she wears around her waist, and take a journey through time and space as Haley navigates the Voidways of the universe. Be there as Haley interacts with Knewbians, knights and quirky inventors; whilst learning the secret arts of Chojutsu, and training kung fu with the legendary ninja assassin Silent but Deadly  along the way!

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